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Re-Organization Meeting – February 26, 2025 – 3:45 pm

Board Meeting – February 26, 2025 – 4:00pm

Call In:  1(773) 917-3399

Passcode: 332 953 368#

Landfill Location and Operating Hours

Solid Waste Complex

Solid Waste Complex


The Solid Waste Complex (SWC) has been serving the 14 municipalities of Cumberland County since October 13, 1987. The 239-acre site located on Jesse Bridge Road is home to the Scale House, Administration Building, Customer Drop Off Center, Equipment Storage and Maintenance Building, refueling stations for gasoline and diesel, Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) filling station, Water Treatment Facility, Leachate Reject Evaporator System, Automated Truck Wash Center, Landfill Gas-to-Energy Plant, mini-MRF Recycling Center, storm water detention and sedimentation basins, and soil borrow area for daily cover.

To the north of the Solid Waste Complex property sits a 121-acre redevelopment area where The Authority’s new Administration Building is located. The additional acreage will contribute to future development and projects at The Authority, such as a Synagrow Biosolid Facility and solar fields partnered with Intersect Energy.


Meet Our SWC Team

“When the landfill opened in 1987, people were justified in calling it “the dump” because that’s what it was – simply a place to “dump” solid waste. More than 30 years later, that label no longer applies. While the landfill continues for solid waste disposal and expanding to accommodate mandatory recycling, we need to educate the public that we are so much more.  The Solid Waste Complex is proud to operate its own gas-to-energy plant, water treatment facility, convenience center, truck wash, two fueling stations and fleet services provided to vehicles of various county agencies. What was “the dump” to a generation or two before, has been replaced by the Solid Waste Complex of today and tomorrow, innovating ways to better serve the community and environment.”

—Tony Riviera, Managing Director of Solid Waste Complex