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Re-Organization Meeting – February 26, 2025 – 3:45 pm

Board Meeting – February 26, 2025 – 4:00pm

Call In:  1(773) 917-3399

Passcode: 332 953 368#

Landfill Location and Operating Hours


Projects and Partnerships

Since 2014, the Cumberland County Improvement Authority has served as Cumberland County economic development and redevelopment entity. In this role, The Authority has invested over $588 million in new construction or public renovation projects. Over 30 shared services contracts with local governments and other entities have resulted in new and improved fire houses, fleet services for municipal vehicles, trash collection and other public services. These shared services represent a direct savings of $4.7 million to county taxpayers.

In 2019, the Authority merged its economic development efforts with those of the Cumberland Empowerment Zone Corporation to expand the range of technical services and public financing available to local businesses and public agencies. During the Covid-19 crisis, the Authority served as a one-stop business resource center, expanding the range of information available to businesses and economic organizations.

The Cumberland County Improvement Authority has undertaken strategic projects and initiatives that have had a tremendous impact on Cumberland County. With economic impacts totaling over $1 billion, new jobs, expanded economic opportunity and job training, Authority investment has had a significant impact on the Cumberland County economy.


Project Management

For both private and public entities, The Authority has the ability and expertise to develop, construct, and manage all types of facilities. The Authority can assist in all phases of development – from initial design and bidding, to permitting, construction and final completion. In all aspects, projects will be compliant with regulations, budgets, and timelines. The Authority’s role and involvement varies from project to project, with the over-riding goal to maximize project funding and achieve the optimal use of expertise and available resources.

Public improvements facilitated through The Authority include schools, municipal buildings, transportation facilities, housing developments, infrastructure redevelopment, roadway construction and historic preservation.