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Board Meeting – March 26, 2025 – 4:00pm

Call In:  1(773) 917-3399

Passcode: 332 953 368#

Landfill Location and Operating Hours

Documents and Forms

Documents and Forms

Asbestos Disposal

Sal DeFrancisco
Assistant Director,
Landfill Operations and Safety

T: 856-825-3700 x2020
E: [email protected]


Derelict Building

Samantha DeFrancisco
County Recycling and Clean Communities Coordinator

T: 856-825-3700 x1270
E: [email protected]


Soil / Dirt

Sal DeFrancisco
Assistant Director,
Landfill Operations and Safety

T: 856-825-3700 x2020
E: [email protected]

All applications for soil acceptance for use as cover material at the Cumberland County Solid Waste Complex should be complete upon submission to The Authority and their engineers for review. Applications should contain all the requirements listed in the CCIA’s Soil Acceptance Protocol, including a completed and certified Soil Disposal Request Form, all required sampling data, a sampling location diagram, and any supplementary items (e.g. photographs, previous site-specific environmental reports, EPA Off Site Rule (OSR) Approvals, etc.). CCIA will not review incomplete submissions.

Solid Waste Management

Samantha DeFrancisco
County Recycling and Clean Communities Coordinator

T: 856-825-3700 x1270
E: [email protected]