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Re-Organization Meeting – February 26, 2025 – 3:45 pm

Board Meeting – February 26, 2025 – 4:00pm

Call In:  1(773) 917-3399

Passcode: 332 953 368#

Landfill Location and Operating Hours

The 30th Annual Cumberland County Trash Hunt is a Success

Clean Communities

by The Authority


MILLVILLE, NEW JERSEY. (April 8, 2022) – Every March, the Cumberland County Clean Communities Program hosts a county-wide Trash Hunt to promote awareness and accountability for preserving the environment. The Clean Communities Program is a statewide, comprehensive, litter-abatement program created by the passage of the Clean Communities Act in 1986, and is administered by The Authority of Cumberland County. This year’s annual event took place on Saturday, March 19, as participants throughout the county did their part to keep Cumberland County beautiful.

The annual Trash Hunt would not be possible without the efforts of the Cumberland County Sportsmen’s Federation. Since its inception in 1992 with the Sportsmen Federation, the Annual Trash Hunt has grown to include local environmental organizations, school groups, and individuals wanting to get involved and make a difference. This year’s event was held in memory of Lee Widjeskog, long-time member and Secretary of the Cumberland County Sportsmen’s Federation and back-bone of the Trash Hunt.

“As always, I want to thank all our volunteers for their continuous efforts,” said Anthony Riviera, Managing Director of The Authority’s Solid Waste Complex. “A special thanks goes out to the Cumberland County Sportsmen’s Federation. This year, we lost a founding member of this event. Thanks to the Sportsmen’s Federation and NJ Fish and Wildlife, we managed to host another safe and successful event.”

With the help of The Authority, the Cumberland County Clean Communities Program, the Cumberland County Sportsmen’s Federation, and NJ Fish and Wildlife, 362 volunteers from 27 groups participated in the event. The Authority’s Clean Communities program provided gloves, trash bags, and trash pickup after the event to ensure proper disposal. A total of 14.51 tons (29,020 pounds) of waste and 72 car tires were removed from various locations in Cumberland County and were properly disposed at The Authority’s Solid Waste Complex.

The Authority and the Cumberland County Clean Communities Program would like to thank all the volunteers who participated in the event. Sportsmen groups, along with local environmental groups, came together to participate. The following groups and volunteers took part in the 30th Annual Trash Hunt: The Cumberland County Sportsmen’s Federation, Good Sports Gun Club, Menantico Gun Club, South Millville Gun Club, Mauricetown Gun Club, Competition Dirt Riders, East Creek Gun Club, Tri-County Sportsmen, Harmony Gun Club, Hickory Gun Club, Fortescue Angler Fishing Club, Venatores Gun Club, Rosenhayn Gun Club, Citizens United, Boy Scouts, The Modzelewski Family, The Hoerl Family, The D’Agostino/DeFrancisco Family, Bill and Lisa Morrison, Jenny Dolbow, Local 27 Sheet Metal Workers Union, Amcor Rigid Packaging, Albizu Solutions, The Women’s Club of Millville,  Vineland High School, Jenny Shinn, Tracy Politus, and Wanda Riviera.

“The Authority continues to do a great job of promoting environmental sustainability in Cumberland County through its Clean Communities Program. We are proud to celebrate 30 years of successful events, and will continue to do our part to improve your tomorrow,” said Authority Board Member, George Olivio.

For more information on the Cumberland County Clean Communities Programs, please visit

In addition to its environmental related initiatives, The Authority is responsible for the development, financing and project management of projects and programs most vital to sustaining the economic and environmental future of Cumberland County and the state of New Jersey. The Authority works in tandem with the Cumberland County Board of Chosen County Commissioners to foster greater economic growth, business development and quality of life for all Cumberland County residents.

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