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Board Meeting – January 24, 2025 – 4:00pm

Landfill Location and Operating Hours

Single Steam Recycling Going Back to Basics


by The Authority

As of January 1, 2019 the Cumberland County Improvement Authority (CCIA) is updating plastics recycling in Cumberland County. Across the nation Materials Sorting Facilities, the next stop for recyclables once they have been collected, are moving towards accepting only #1 and #2 plastics. To better serve Cumberland County, the CCIA is making the transition to collecting only #1 and #2 plastics as well.

The majority of daily plastic waste falls under #1 and #2. Some examples of #1 and #2 plastics are water bottles, milk jugs, detergent bottles, and peanut butter jars. Once you’ve located the recycling symbol on the container, recycle only those with the #1 and #2.

Cumberland County residents, businesses, institutions, non-profits, clubs and organizations will most likely see very little change in their daily recycling habits. “Since becoming the Cumberland County Recycling Coordinator in July, I’ve been examining my own life style and how I can become a better recycler. We need to keep pace with today’s changing environmental issues and responsibilities,” noted Loretta Pregartner, Recycling and Clean Communities Coordinator. “Cumberland County has a history of dedication and commitment to the recycling and I know this new challenge will be met.”

In addition to #1 and #2 plastics, Cumberland County single stream collection – all recyclables in one container – includes aluminum, glass, steel, paper, cardboard, and cartons. For 2019 the message is “Going Back to Basics”. Keep it simple. Rinse out containers before recycling them. Keep plastic bags out of your bin. Reduce and reuse first. When in doubt throw it out.

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