Board Meeting – April 23, 2025 – 4:00pm
Call In: 1(773) 917-3399
Passcode: 332 953 368#
The treatment storage facility project included constructing a new pre-engineered wood structure, 1,600 square foot, 32 ft by 50 ft in size, with two motorized overhead doors. The project also included site preparation, construction of a new concrete slab-on-grade, electrical power and lighting, and a fire alarm system. The purpose of the building is to provide storage for material and equipment related to the operation of the treatment facility.
The fleet storage facility project included constructing a new pre-engineered wood structure, 960 square foot, 24 ft by 40 ft in size, with one manual overhead doors. The project was constructed on an existing concrete slab-on-grade and included electrical power and lighting. The purpose of the building is to provide storage for tires and other material and equipment related to the fleet services facility.