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Board Meeting – January 22, 2025 – 4:00pm

Landfill Location and Operating Hours

CCTEC Engineering School (STEM) Expansion

CCTEC Engineering School (STEM) Expansion

The CCTEC STEM Expansion includes the relocation of the district offices and repurpose of that space to expand the Engineering programs at CCTEC with 2 new Makerspace classrooms and the renovations of 2 existing allied health lab spaces into new robotics and engineering labs. These renovations cover more than 15,000 SF of space and contract was awarded in the amount of $2,073,000. Phase I of the project which is the new Robotics and Engineering labs are due to be completed prior to the start of the 2022 school year. Phase II which is the 2 makerspace lab spaces are due to be completed in December of 2022. The project is currently ahead of schedule and under budget.