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Board Meeting – March 26, 2025 – 4:00pm

Call In:  1(773) 917-3399

Passcode: 332 953 368#

Landfill Location and Operating Hours




The Administration Building is located near the entrance of the Solid Waste Complex. The building includes amenities for site personnel, including a men’s locker room, women’s locker room, lavatories, kitchen and lunchroom, administrative offices, and a conference center with a waterfall feature wall that uses clean water from the Water Treatment Facility. The staff in the Administration Building complete behind the scenes work to keep the Solid Waste Complex operating. In the Administration building, the Landfill Administrator handles the Solid Waste Complex payroll, purchase orders, advertising and marketing, statistical data and communication with other departments, vendors, and customers.

The upper level supports The Authority’s partner, Atlantic County Utilities Authority (ACUA). The Solid Waste Complex serves as an ancillary site for ACUA. A shared services agreement allows ACUA to park, fuel, and have their vehicles serviced at The Authority’s Solid Waste Complex. The Authority is the support that allows ACUA to grow and continue providing exceptional service in Bridgeton, Millville, and Vineland. This highly successful joint venture between two county authorities is a first in the State of New Jersey.

Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) Filling Station

Realizing the global concern for fuel production and air quality, The Authority has implemented the use of compressed natural gas (CNG) vehicles. CNG emits 50 percent less carbon dioxide than coal when burned. Located at the Solid Waste Complex on Jesse Bridge Road, the CNG filling station allows both The Authority and public customers to fuel their vehicles with clean natural gas.

The filling station was constructed in 2018 and commissioned on January 1, 2019. The filling station provides the opportunity for businesses who have made the switch to CNG to fill their vehicles quickly and conveniently. With competitive rates and 24/7 public access, The Authority looks forward to fueling CNG vehicles.

Customer Drop Off Center and Commercial Drop Off Center

The Customer Drop Off Center, located past the Scale House on the right, accommodates the general public (smaller trucks and trailers), residents, and registered Deerfield Township residents disposing of solid waste. The Authority tracks registered Deerfield Township disposal by bar code verification and other customers through the scale. The Solid Waste Complex provides a safe area for all customers to properly dispose of their solid waste. After customers exit the Customer Drop Off Center the Solid Waste Complex employees clean the lot with brooms and magnets to pick up any leftover scraps.


Customer Drop Off Center Operating Hours
Monday to Friday 7:30 am to 3:30 pm
Saturday 8:00 am to 12:00 noon



The Commercial Drop Off Center is designated for dump trailer vehicles. This is an area located by Cell 7a, featuring a retaining wall structure that allows for those with dump trailers to tip more efficiently. Dump trailers are directed by the wall’s attendant to back up to the wall and tip. The Authority’s equipment will then be used to load and dispose of the waste at the landfill work face.


Meet Our SWC Team

“I enjoy what I do! I enjoy helping people out and helping them properly disposing of solid waste!”

—George Pyott, Laborer




The Authority’s Engineering Department is responsible for landfill permitting and construction design. Using AutoCAD, a commercial computer-aided design program, the engineers can draft plans through the software application. Each year, the Solid Waste Complex is photographed from an aerial view to compare volumes and landfill progress. Engineering is crucial to The Authority, as they ensure the landfill does not pollute the environment through its waters or air.

Meet Our SWC Team

“I’m happy to be a part of the Solid Waste team.”

—Nick Pacitto, Solid Waste Program Director





Fleet Services

Fleet Services consists of a team of experienced mechanics that keep The Authority’s equipment running smoothly. Fleet Services is responsible for the maintenance and repair of The Authority’s equipment and vehicles, as well as the Atlantic County Utilities Authority (ACUA) fleet at the Solid Waste Complex.

The Authority has been partnered with ACUA since January 1, 2019, providing maintenance on 22 of their rear loader garbage trucks.

The Authority utilizes the newest platform of diagnostic scanning tools to detect problems in the equipment serviced. Fleet Services uses a state-of-the-art tire balancing machine to ensure a smooth ride, while also reducing wear and tear on the suspension components and utilizes high tech emissions and pollution diagnostic tools to help meet air quality standards and keep the air clean. On the average day, the team of mechanics diagnose and repair anything and everything from a passenger car to a 120,000-pound trash compactor. Fleet Services is sure to maintain proper service intervals to get the most out of The Authority’s equipment.

Meet Our SWC Team

“I am thankful for the opportunity to work at The Authority as a member of our Fleet Services team. I enjoy working at The Authority, the people are great, and I love what I do.”

— Devin MacAvoy, Mechanic


Landfill Operations

The Authority takes great pride in the Solid Waste Complex and all the services provided. The work face area on the landfill is the designated area for commercial haulers to tip their load. This is also the final destination for all solid waste that enters the Solid Waste Complex.

At The Solid Waste Complex, skilled operators work together to precisely compact and cover the waste. The state-of-the-art compactor pushes, spreads, and compacts the solid waste. Weighing in at 120,000 pounds, the compactor includes a GPS system that displays elevations, fill pattern, and the compaction rate. The landfill is capable of compacting 700-900 tons of solid waste daily.

The landfill work face utilizes a various array of heavy equipment. This includes, bull dozers, off-road end dump trucks, front-end loaders, excavators, and backhoes. This equipment is responsible for pushing solid waste, hauling materials, maintaining slopes, executing special projects, all while maintaining an utmost appearance and complying to NJDEP regulation.

The Authority’s efforts ensure proper disposal of solid waste and makes certain the safety of the employees, customers, vendors, and visitors of the Solid Waste Complex.

Meet Our SWC Team

“First and foremost, I enjoy the people I work with and have built relationships with over the last 30 years. I enjoy watching our landfill develop into what it is from the ground up. I am still excited about learning new skills every day! I enjoy interacting with the truck drivers and working with The Authority community! I take pride in ensuring that everyone from our team to the outside workers, and visitors are as safe as possible!”

—Salvatore DeFrancisco, Assistant Director of Landfill Operations/ Safety Manager

Authority/ACUA Partnership

The Authority is proud of its partnership with Atlantic County Utilities Authority (ACUA). The Authority is the support that allows ACUA to provide exceptional service throughout Cumberland County. ACUA parks, fuels, and services their vehicles at the Solid Waste Complex. ACUA utilizes environmentally friendly CNG collection vehicles that are fueled at The Authority’s CNG Filling Station and serviced by The Authority’s team of experienced mechanics in Fleet Services. It is not often that one sees two authorities join and share services, however, this partnership allows both The Authority and ACUA to strive towards the goal of “Improving Your Tomorrow!”

The ACUA provides curbside collection for trash and recycling in Bridgeton, Millville, and Vineland. “The Authority is happy to be a partner in this progressive shared service agreement that maximizes our collective strengths,” said Authority President and CEO Jerry Velazquez. “The Mayor and Council should be credited for their continued commitment to look beyond the city’s boundaries to seek innovative solutions that are in the best interests of its residents.”


ACUA Curbside Pickup
Vineland, Millville, and Bridgeton Trash and Recycling
T: 609-272-6950

Renewable Landfill Gas to Energy (Energy Hub)

EPP Renewable Energy owns and operates a 4.8 megawatt landfill gas-to-energy plant at the Solid Waste Complex. There are three gas-to-fuel engines that produce approximately 37.8 million kilowatt-hours, enough electricity to power 3,000 homes. This project reduces annual emissions by 26,000 tons of carbon dioxide. According to the EPA, the reduction of emissions is equivalent to one of these annual environmental benefits: removing 5,100 cars from the road, planting 5,500 acres of pine forest, or reducing the import of 60,600 barrels of oil.

Landfill gases, as a result of decomposing garbage, produce methane. Methane can be vacuumed from underneath the landfill through landfill gas wells and cleaned to produce electricity. This is done by a series of landfill gas wells all located throughout the landfill hill at various depths. The Solid Waste Complex currently operates up to 160 methane gas wells, and new ones will be installed as the landfill continues its expansion. The Authority engineers and project managers have worked together to draw blueprints, weld pipes, and install gas lines under the landfill’s hill of solid waste.

State-of-the-art Loci solar powered well heads improve the Solid Waste Complex gas intake by 25 percent. Previously man-monitored, the automated Loci well heads provide continuous 24/7 monitoring that can control and provide adjustments as necessary to increase gas-collection system efficiency. The monitors ensure the pressure, temperature, vacuum, flow, oxygen, carbon dioxide, methane, and balance gas are at the appropriate levels to produce maximum performance.

The gases produced provide electricity to the Solid Waste Complex and 3,400 additional houses. The Authority is proud to be the only landfill in the State of New Jersey to operate a microgrid, maintaining, and operating their own electrical infrastructure.

Meet Our SWC Team

“For me, it is interesting to see how many sources of energy come from the landfill’s trash. I enjoy working for The Authority!”

—Elvis Lima, Project Operations Manager



Scale House

The Authority has multiple designated areas to meet disposal needs. Directly following the main gate at the entrance to the Solid Waste Complex, the scale house with two inbound lanes and one outbound lane is located. Scale masters weigh incoming vehicles carrying solid waste and direct customers to the proper disposal location (Customer Drop Off Center, Commercial Drop Off Center, or Landfill Work Face).

The Scale House uses up-to-date technology to record and enter into a database customer account records, vehicle weights, commodity billing rates, daily transactions, and year-to-date transactions. They enter the customer’s account into the system, guide them to properly dispose and scale out. The Scale House also helps to keep The Authority safe by ensuring all drivers and those who tip at the work face are wearing hard hats and high visibility outerwear. The scales at The Authority can weigh the smallest of vehicles to tractor trailers and uses high-tech cameras to provide the scale-masters with clear images of customer’s license plates to inspect loads, maintain security of the Solid Waste Complex, and enter the customer’s vehicle into the system.

Scale masters ensure that all waste that enters the landfill is acceptable, if it is not, they can guide customers on alternatives to properly dispose of the waste. Accepted items at the Solid Waste Complex are municipal waste (household, commercial, and institutional), bulky waste, construction and demolition waste, vegetative waste, animal and food processing wastes, dry industrial waste, and asbestos waste. Dry sewage sludge, bulk liquid and semiliquid, septic tank clean-out waste, liquid sewage sludge, regulated medical waste, and hazardous waste are not accepted.

The New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) has stepped up its efforts to ensure homeowners, small haulers, and commercial haulers transport solid waste in an environmentally sound and legal manner.  The Authority supports this effort by monitoring residents and businesses who dispose of solid waste at the Cumberland County Landfill at the Solid Waste Complex on Jesse Bridge Road in Rosenhayn. Click here for the regulations set by the NJDEP regarding weight limits, passenger vehicles, exemptions, commercial vehicles, and registration requirements.

View Accepted Items

Meet Our SWC Team

“Here in the Scale House, we are a little family that has fun! Our favorite part of our job is the customers! Building relationships with them overtime is something that just cannot be beat! They have trust in us. We tell jokes, but at the end of the day, we have a serious friendship. I can truly say that I love to come to work!”

—Karen Hines, Senior Weighmaster

Waste Disposal at SWC Instructional Video

Trash Disposal at the Landfill at the Solid Waste Complex 1 Minute 58 Seconds

Instructional video of how to use the Convenience Center at the Solid Waste Complex.

Trash Disposal at the Landfill at the Solid Waste Complex 1 Minute 58 Seconds

Instructional video of how to use the Convenience Center at the Solid Waste Complex.

Truck Wash

The Authority’s state-of-the-art facility truck wash provides a fresh wash to vehicles of all makes and models, ranging from mid-size trucks to tractor trailers.

The truck wash includes a fully automated touchless truck wash system that was officially commissioned in February 2018. The truck wash system is utilized by both private and public vehicles. The wash consists of four stages. The first stage is the pre-soak arch, the high-pressure detergent arch, and the high-rinse pressure arch. After the rinse-arch, vehicles enter the air-stripper area, where 182 MPH air keeps the excess water inside the facility’s wash bay and minimizes storm water run-off. The system reclaims about 70 percent of wash water, which will later be used as rinse water in the first two arches.

The truck wash features an under-body wash to remove dirt, debris, and other contaminants from underneath the body of the vehicle. It has the potential to minimize the tracking of dirt off site, helping to keep the surrounding roadways clean. Included with the wash, is a complementary vacuum to be utilized by all customers after exiting the wash. Business accounts are available. Contact Fleet Services at 856-825-3700 x2130.


The Authority’s Truck Wash Operating Hours
Monday to Friday 7:30 am to 3:30 pm
Saturday 8:00 am to 12 noon


Wash Prices Below

  • $22 for minibuses, F450 and larger pickup trucks
  • $33 for full-sized buses and duel-axle trucks
  • $44 for tractor trailers

Water Treatment Facility

The Authority’s Solid Waste Complex is the only landfill in the State of New Jersey with a direct discharge permit for treated leachate.

The Water Treatment Facility consists of a combination of both an ultra-filtration and reverse osmosis system used to decontaminate leachate—the liquid that results from rainwater and other liquids filtering through the landfill. Leachate is collected, treated, and discharged directly into a stormwater basin.

The Authority’s employees work together to treat up to 150,000 gallons of hazardous leachate per day and make it safe for wildlife and humans. Every day, staff clean baskets, check samples, enter data samples to check progress, and provide maintenance to the plant, ensuring all machinery is clean and functioning. The treated water is discharged into an on-site pond and fills the waterfall in the conference room of the Administration building.

The process begins with the leachate generated within the landfill entering a network of collection pipes which flows to the containment sumps, where it is pumped through force mains to an aboveground raw leachate Equalization Tank (EQ-Tank). Raw leachate from the EQ-tank is transferred into the Bioreactor Tank which is heated by the radiator water from the EPP Powerplant and then is transferred from the Bio-Tank and is subsequently processed through the UF and primary RO Units.

The Leachate Treatment Facility features a .075 MGD Membrane Bioreactor (MBR) incorporating an Equalization Tank (EQ-Tank), a Bioreactor Tank (Bio-Tank), and two modular external crossflow Ultra Filtration (UF) units, followed by three two-modular two-pass primary Reverse Osmosis (RO) units and two high-pressure RO Concentrators. The system is designed and capable of treating 70% of all water processed by the plant daily, leading to 30% difference that cannot be treated safely to directly discharge. The 30% that cannot be treated goes to the new Evaporator System which safely removes all toxins and evaporates the tasteless, colorless, steam into the air. This steam is safe for the environment. The system discharges the treated water into a stormwater basin.