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Re-Organization Meeting – February 26, 2025 – 3:45 pm

Board Meeting – February 26, 2025 – 4:00pm

Call In:  1(773) 917-3399

Passcode: 332 953 368#

Landfill Location and Operating Hours is Launched

Economic Development

by The Authority

The website devoted to the Cumberland County Improvement Authority’s (CCIA) latest economic development campaign to facilitate business expansion and growth in the area has been launched. is now available globally to business and industry decision makers interested in learning more about what Cumberland County has to offer.

Jerry Velazquez, CCIA Executive Director said, “This is one of the ways we are promoting the features and benefits of Cumberland County as we advance our efforts to reach CEOs and key decision makers everywhere.” He added, “Communication vehicles like our new economic development website will help foster more employment opportunities, stimulate higher wages and, most importantly, increase the contributing tax base for the area.”

The new website for the CumberlandYES campaign, which targets CEOs, site locators, commercial realtors and development executives worldwide, will increase the County’s presence on the Internet. According to CCIA Economic Development Director Jim Watson, information found on the website compliments the messaging of the campaign which targets those contemplating relocating or expanding here. “The website tab titles promote the County as being Strategically Positioned for Business and offering A Great Quality of Life, Quality Workforce Initiatives and Exceptional Financial Incentives,” he explains, “Because these are the key areas that people considering Cumberland County as their location to do business ask us about. And we can say YES to all of them!” is now available globally to business and industry decision makers.

The campaign name, he says, confirms that Cumberland County offers the key factors on the minds of company owners or developers world-wide who consider a site in the Northeastern United States. “We’re here to partner with and support businesses in their efforts to grow and expand,” Watson said. “Our new website provides them the information they need to seriously consider locating or expanding here as viable options,” he continued.

Also, on the website are active projects currently being managed and financed through the CCIA featuring time-lapse videos of the developments from early construction to the present time. These time-lapse construction videos include the new Cumberland County Technical Education Center and the Workforce and Economic Development Facility, both which are on and adjacent to the Cumberland County College campus as well as 9 West Park Avenue in Vineland which will soon become the new home of the New Jersey Motor Vehicles Commission.

Project development and financing are just some of the functions of the Improvement Authority. According to Velazquez, the CCIA returns more than $550,000 annually to taxpayers through its management of shared resources and services, project development and marketing services as well as direct contributions back to the county.

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