Cumberland County Recycling Coordinator Receives Certified Recycling Professional Certification
The Cumberland County Improvement Authority (CCIA) is proud to announce its latest employee to receive the Certified Recycling Professional certification. Loretta Pregartner, Cumberland County Recycling Coordinator, was presented with her certification for the completion of the Certified Recycle Professional Program at the 38th Annual Association of New Jersey Recyclers (ANJR) Symposium hosted on October 10.
“This is a huge accomplishment for Loretta. There is a lot of work that goes in this 21 week program from tests to papers and even in-class presentations. Through her certification series, Loretta has brought back innovative ideas she would like to see made here in Cumberland County”, says Anthony Riviera, Managing Director of Landfill Operations. In addition to enhancing Cumberland County’s recycling outreach and educational program, Loretta serves at the county’s Clean Communities and Hazardous Waste Coordinator.