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Re-Organization Meeting – February 26, 2025 – 3:45 pm

Board Meeting – February 26, 2025 – 4:00pm

Call In:  1(773) 917-3399

Passcode: 332 953 368#

Landfill Location and Operating Hours

Clean Communities

Clean Communities

The Authority has a vast history of protecting the environment and providing resources to help keep Cumberland County beautiful. Staff can be seen throughout the county organizing and participating in roadside and waterway cleanups, removing illegal dumps from various locations, driving CNG vehicles, and hosting the Americorps New Jersey Watershed Ambassador Program. Volunteers are an essential part in The Authority’s commitment to the county. By participating in programs hosted by The Authority, organizations and residents can make the difference in keeping Cumberland County clean and green.

Clean Communities Act

The Authority’s road crew staff strive every day to keep Cumberland County beautiful by cleaning Cumberland County’s roads, picking up illegal dumps, and removing litter from designated county roads. To prevent people from littering, blue barrel trashcans are placed at various locations throughout the county and maintained weekly. On average, The Authority’s staff pick about 400-900 pounds of trash a day.

Cumberland County participates in the New Jersey Clean Communities, a statewide, comprehensive, litter-abatement program created by the passage of the Clean Communities Act in 1986. The Act provides a funding source for the program by placing a tax on 15 categories of businesses that may produce litter-generating products.

The New Jersey Clean Communities Council (NJCCC) oversees the implementation of litter abatement programs in 558 municipalities and 21 counties. The NJCCC implements a statewide program of public information and education that targets Clean Communities coordinators, schools, and the general public.

The Authority, through the Cumberland County Clean Communities Program, works diligently to keep the 540 miles of county roads and bridges under its jurisdiction litter-free. The Authority is committed to Cumberland County with a focus on innovative ways to engage volunteers who are willing to give of their time to initiate or join in cleanup events on our roadways throughout our county. These cleanups help achieve a mutual goal of safe, attractive, and litter free roadways. They raise the public’s level of awareness about the alarming increase in the amount of roadside trash. The Authority provides gloves, trash bags, safety equipment, and trash pickup to individuals, groups, and businesses who are diligent in regularly cleaning county roads. The Authority thanks them for doing their part in keeping Cumberland County clean and green.

Keep Cumberland County Beautiful Video

The Authority--Keep Cumberland County Beautiful! 30 seconds

Did you know people litter less when their community is clean? Don't trash Cumberland County's future. Learn how to keep Cumberland County beautiful!

The Authority--Keep Cumberland County Beautiful! 30 seconds

Did you know people litter less when their community is clean? Don't trash Cumberland County's future. Learn how to keep Cumberland County beautiful!

Recycle Coach


“I enjoy working with the people and working to keep Cumberland County beautiful! Do your part and report illegal dumps!”

—Byron Calakos, Clean Communities Driver



The County Environmental Health Act provides for county staff to enforce NJDEP regulations. In addition to conducting recycling inspections of residential, commercial, and institutional sources of waste at the point of generation, county enforcement staff may also conduct inspections of incoming loads of waste at county disposal sites for the presence of recyclable materials.


Litter Hotline
The 911 Center will receive the report and send it to the Cumberland County Health Department.


Kathy Gandy
Chief Registered Environmental Health Specialist
T: 856-327-7602 x7127
E: [email protected]


Nicole Giacalone
Registered Environmental Health Specialist
T: 856-327-7602 x7129
E: [email protected]

Americorps Watershed Ambassador

The Authority is a host agency for individuals participating in the Americorps New Jersey Watershed Ambassador Program (NJWAP).  The NJWAP addresses diverse environmental needs of the state primarily through our local waterways. The NJWAP accomplishes this through three portions: streams assessments, presentations, and partnership projects. Ambassadors hosted through The Authority are responsible for the watershed management area (WMA) 17. This consist of the Maurice, Cohansey, and Salem River watershed.


Watershed Ambassador for WMA17

David Ferrara
T: 856-825-3700 x2165
E: [email protected]