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Board Meeting – March 26, 2025 – 4:00pm

Call In:  1(773) 917-3399

Passcode: 332 953 368#

Landfill Location and Operating Hours

Anti-Litter Campaigns

Anti-Litter Campaigns



Awareness of litter and its effects in our neighborhoods and public lands is essential. The Authority is committed to reducing litter, especially through education. The staff is available for classroom or meeting presentations and providing promotional materials. Reading books such as “The Lorax” to students is a fun way to relay the message about individual responsibility for the environment. Free entertainment programs are available to schools and organizations mixing learning with laughter for all ages.



In past years, The Authority has sponsored the Eco-Fair at WheatonArts. The free community day showcases handmade items from New Jersey artists, locally grown native plants, herbs and vegetables, wellness information, environmental organizations, rain barrel workshops, book signings and lectures. Partnering with WheatonArts, the Master Gardeners, Rutgers University and other groups, this day is educational and fun.


Litter Doesn’t Glitter

Illegal dumpings continue to plague Cumberland County’s roads and wooded areas. Tires, mattresses, TVs, trash, construction debris are not only illegal, but they are also unsightly and harm the environment. The Authority staff daily clean problem areas in the county that are favorite dumping grounds. Do your part and report illegal dumpings to 856-455-8855.


Municipal and State Programs

The New Jersey Adopt-A-Highway Program is a statewide program created by the New Jersey Department of Transportation and the New Jersey Clean Communities Council to clean and maintain state highways. The staff at the NJCCC are ready to get you started in this major roadway program or give you more details on adopting a waterway.

Many Cumberland County municipalities administer programs to adopt municipal roadways as well as beaches and parks. Check with your local Clean Communities Coordinator to learn more about participating where you live, work or play.

Trash Hunt

Since its inception in 1992, over 930 tons of trash have been collected from the 75,000 acres of Cumberland County especially game preserves, wildlife management areas, and other public lands through the annual Trash Hunt event. The Authority through the Clean Communities programs sponsors this event annually in March to promote awareness and accountability for protecting and preserving the environment.

Cumberland County residents, as well as those from other counties who enjoy local attractions, are invited to participate. People from all walks of life – sportsmen, scouts, environmental clubs, watershed organizations, and civic-minded citizens – have spent one Saturday a year at a favorite site in Cumberland County clearing trash and debris. Registration is required and volunteers are provided with all supplies needed, safety kits and promotional items.

While participants in this event have found a decrease in trash in recreational areas over the years, many roadways and streets remain cluttered with litter. It’s up to everyone to accept responsibility for the day-to-day effects of litter in all areas of Cumberland County in order to keep moving forward in the right direction.

For more information on the 2025 Trash Hunt event, contact The Authority at 856-825-3700 x1270.

Waterways Cleanup

For more than 30 years, the Authority has hosted the annual Waterways Cleanup event as part of the Cumberland County Clean Communities Program. This event has most recently been held in conjunction with the annual International Coastal Cleanup event where volunteers worldwide will clean litter and debris from lakes, streams, rivers, bays and beaches this week.

The Authority is proud to be leading this community cleanup effort to promote awareness and accountability for protecting and preserving the environment. Water is a natural resource that everyone must safeguard. The Authority sponsors this event each year to make people more aware of the need to clear water resources of harmful and unsightly trash or debris.

The 2025 Waterways Cleanup event, held on September 27, is open to individuals, groups, businesses and agencies who can volunteer a few hours to clean Cumberland County waterways and public lands. Registration is required and volunteers are provided with all the supplies needed. Participants are welcome to choose their favorite site to clear of trash and unwanted debris.

For more information on the annual Waterways Cleanup, contact The Authority at 856-825-3700 x1270.