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Board Meeting – April 23, 2025 – 4:00pm

Call In:  1(773) 917-3399

Passcode: 332 953 368#

Landfill Location and Operating Hours

Accepted Items and Fees

Accepted Items and Fees

The Authority Solid Waste Complex tipping fees are effective January 1, 2025. Accepted payment methods are account holders, credit/debit cards, checks or cash. Cumberland County Residents Only.

New Jersey State law N.J.A.C. 7:26-3.4 (i) requires all open vehicles traveling with solid waste to be tarped in order to avoid spillage on the roadways.  Individuals found in violation of N.J.A.C. 7:26-3.4 (i) are subject to a $4,500 fine with no exception. Contact the NJ DEP at 609-292-6305 for questions regarding tarp requirements.

Effective March 1, 2024, there will be a $5 minimum for Trash Disposal at the Solid Waste Complex.

The New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) has stepped up its efforts to ensure homeowners, small haulers, and commercial haulers transport solid waste in an environmentally sound and legal manner.  The Authority supports this effort by monitoring residents and businesses who dispose of solid waste at the Cumberland County Landfill at the Solid Waste Complex on Jesse Bridge Road in Rosenhayn. Click here for the regulations set by the NJDEP regarding weight limits, passenger vehicles, exemptions, commercial vehicles, and registration requirements.

All commercial accounts are subject to .75% late fee on unpaid balances as of the day immediately following the due date for each billing period.

**White goods, e-waste and tire disposal at the Solid Waste Complex is for Cumberland County only.  Effective immediately, tires are not accepted from out-of-county.**


List of Accepted Items

Type Waste Item Rate Before Tax Total Rate
10 Municipal Solid Waste $65.85 per ton $83.89 per ton
13 Bulky Waste $76.95 per ton $94.99 per ton
13C Construction and Demolition Debris $76.95 per ton $94.99 per ton
23 Vegetative Waste $65.85 per ton $83.89 per ton
25 Animal and Food Product Waste $65.85 per ton $83.89 per ton
27 Dry Industrial Waste $76.95 per ton $94.99 per ton
27A Abestos (plus Admin fee $135.00 per load) $76.95 per ton $94.99 per ton
27ASR Auto Fluff $37.50 per ton $37.50 per ton
REC Commercial Recycling in County $65.00 per ton $65.00 per ton
REC Commercial Recycling out of County $65.00 per ton $65.00 per ton
33A Auto Tires** (Up to 10) $3.00 per tire $3.00 per tire
33AT Auto Tires** (11 or more) $300.00 per ton $300.00 per ton
33TT Truck Tires** (11 or more) $325.00 per ton $325.00 per ton
33H Heavy Duty Tires** $350.00 per ton $350.00 per ton
TV Televisions** (Damaged) No Charge No Charge
WHT-CFC CFC Units—Air Conditioners, Refrigerators, and Freezers** $12.50 per unit $12.50 per unit
RE FEE Reload/Reject Fee $250.00 per load $250.00 per load
OVRWT Overweight Load Fee (excess of 82,000 lbs.) $50.00 per ton $50.00 per ton

Waste Item Descriptions

Municipal Solid Waste

Waste originating in the community consisting of household waste from waste from private residences; commercial waste which originates in wholesale, retail or services establishment such as restaurants, stores, markets, theaters, hotels and warehouses; and institutional waste material originated in schools, hospitals, research institutions and public buildings.

Bulky Waste

Large items of waste material such as appliances and furniture. Discarded automobiles, trucks and trailers, and large vehicle parts are included under this category.

Vegetative Waste

Waste materials from farms, plant nurseries, and greenhouses that are produced from the raising of plants. This waste includes such crop residues as plant stalks, hulls, leaves and tree waste processed through a wood-chipper. Also include are non-crop resides such as grass clippings, tree parts, shrubbery, and garden wastes.

Animal and Food Processing Waste

Processing waste materials generated in canneries, slaughterhouses, packing plants or similar industries, including animal manure when intended for disposal and not reuse. Also included are dead animals.

Dry Industrial Waste

Waste materials resulting from manufacturing, industrial and research and development processes and operations, and which are not hazardous in accordance with the standards and procedures set forth at N.J.A.C. 7:26G. Also included are non-hazardous oil spill cleanup waste, dry non-hazardous pesticides or chemical waste, and residue from the operations of a scrap metal shredding facility.

Auto Fluff

Auto fluff is the residual product from automobile scrap processing. This is a result of shredded headliners, seats, dashboards, carpets, and truck lining. ASR (Auto Shredder Residue) consists of a wide variety of materials including plastic, glass, wood, foam, fibers, sand, and dirt.

Construction and Demolition Waste

Waste building material and rubble resulting from construction, remodeling, repair, and demolition operations on houses, commercial buildings, pavements, and other structures. The following materials may be found: treated and untreated wood scrap, plaster and wallboard, roofing materials, corrugated cardboard and miscellaneous paper, ferrous and nonferrous metal, non-asbestos building insulation, plastic scrap, dirt, carpets and padding, glass (window and doors), and other miscellaneous materials, but shall not include other solid waste types.

Asbestos Waste

Waster material consisting of asbestos or asbestos containing waste.